Sunday 30 January 2011

Thrillers - Rebecca

        I am Legend –
-          The first shot is an over the head shot, you first think he is just walking in a field. Then you see the gun and realise he is in the middle of a city.
-          As the scene carries on you realise that the place is deserted and immediately start to ask questions.
-          Then it goes into a close up of the dog, showing its interested in what’s out there.
-          When he first puts up the gun you have no idea what he is aiming at. This creates tension
-          You then see what he sees in the gun and realise it’s an animal.
-          The buildings being really big and tall shows his venerability because he is so small in such a big place.
-          By the camera being shaky as its following him you think someone’s following him and you can see their point of view.

 The Dark Knight
-          The very first shot is an establishing shot of the setting for the film.
-          The shot then pans into one window where the action starts with a man smashing through a window. This is a long shot to a medium shot.
-          The over the shoulder shot of the man firing the gun out of the window shows you what he can see but also lets you see him doing it.
-          The man standing by the road is instantly classed as the bad character even when you can’t see his face, because of the way he appears you automatically get the impression he is up to no good by what he is holding and wearing.
-          When the car pulls up this is when the action really starts as the music starts too, and the fact he knew to get in that car straight away shows they has planned this for a while and all knew what to do.
-          The shot of the two men jumping out of the window is good because you don’t realise how high it is till the camera points down then you realise.
-          The identity of the characters is not given away because they are all wearing masks, this keeps the audience guessing.

Casino Royale

-          The first shot is an establishing shot to show where the first scene is going to take place.
-          It’s all in black and white to begin with to create tension and make it different to other films.
-          A low angle shot is used to show a man getting out of a car looking suspicious and this makes you think who is he and what is he up to?
-          The scene being black and white also makes it look like night and that he shouldn’t be there perhaps he is breaking in.
-          The close up on his face when he first realises someone is also in the room shows his expression and emotion of fear. Then over his turning shoulder you can see the other character who then begins to talk but his identity is still unknown to the audience.
-          A quiet bit of tense music then starts to play.
-          As it goes into a flashback of the characters memory of what happens the colour inverts to show it was a different time.
-          The action then flicks from the two men in the room and the memory of the man. Cutting fast to make it more chaotic.
-          The music gets louder and faster and reaches a climax as the man is dying in the sink. Then when he falls to the floor the music is barely playing.
-          The very first shot is slow motion of the waves, then it cuts into a close up of the character so you can see he has been in the water. 
-          You immediately think he is dead as he isn’t moving, but then he does move slightly and gasps for breath so this shows he has been in trouble.
-          it then cuts to the children playing showing their innocence and they haven’t noticed him there.
-          The low angle of the man with the gun shows his power over the other character and not knowing who he is makes it more worrying for the audience.
-          The first inside shot is framed on the two men standing either side of a table showing whoever is in there is important and powerful otherwise he wouldn’t have to be guarded.
-          They don’t give away the identity of the man straight away by showing the back of his head this makes up curious to who he is.
-          By there being no music it shows its serious and in some ways creates tension in the scene because you know something is going to happen.

44 inch chest

-          Dog look afraid and hiding so this immediately makes the audience know something bad happened just before and that we are being shown what has happened.
-          The apartment is in a mess, this shows signs of a struggle and that who or whatever came in had no regard for the persons belongings.
-          The first few shots are still shots, showing no movement, then as the camera starts to move slowly into the apartment showing each bit of destruction as it goes you notice more this way.
-          When you see the man lying on the floor you know he is the victim as he looks as if he came off worse and is dead.
-          The camera looks directly down on him as if you’re in a someone’s perspective and you have just discovered him.
-           The man doesn’t look like an innocent old man, he looks dodgy like he was involved in something that went wrong and he came off bad.
-          The music doesn’t go with the mood of the scene as its all jolly and normal where as you would think it would be depressive and sad as you think something bad has just happened and changed someone’s life forever.

1 comment:

  1. Very limited notes and analysis I would like to see a lot more detail here why not use stills and analyise key media terms needed Diegetic Non diegetic. Some of the spelling and grammar needs attention
