Monday 17 January 2011

5 Thriller Films (Rebekah)

Final Destination, James Wong, 2000
  • Close up and Extreme close up shots at the start of the clip
  • Quick zooms into things such as books and fans 
  • Medium shots towards the middle of the clip when packing the boys bags 
  • 2 shots 
  • Panning in the night when the boy is asleep 
  • Track in when sleeping
  • Quick cuts
  • Straight Cuts
  • Fade
  • Parallel editing
  • Dialogue 
  • Tense Music
Mise En Scene:
  • Lighting: Low key lighting 
  • Props: Typical props for going on holiday such as suitcase, bags 
  • Clothes: Normal everyday clothes, nothing fancy or dressed up, teacher has suit on to show that he is in a higher position then the kids.
  • Make-up: Normal everyday make-up, plain
  • Character: 
  • Alex: Tense as he is going on holiday without his family, excited as he is with his friends, however doesn't know why he feels the way he feels and thinks that everything looks weird and strange to him.
  • Mum & Dad: opposites, don't see much of them in the clip, however the dad like to tell jokes however has a serious side to him, the mum likes everything to be perfect and ready.
  • Friends: They like to make jokes
  • Setting: 
  • The home seems creepy when it is nighttime especially in Alex's room as he has creepy dolls and toys around, this makes the audience question why he has these.
  • The airport: seems friendly and okay like a normal airport to everyone else however to Alex it seems abnormal and something doesn't seem right. 
  • Hair: Everyone hair is tidy and normal, like it should be no ones is messy like something has happened to them as this is only the start of the film.
  • Mood: Alex is tense about going on holiday and always seems to worry about a lot of things, the movie in whole give a more tense mood and makes the audience worry about what is going to happen. 
The Boy in Stripped Pyjamas, Mark Herman, 2008
  • Slow zooming out of the flag
  • Panning from the flag
  • Extreme long shot when camera comes out of the flag into the streets creating an 
  • Establishing shot 
  • Medium shots in the street following the kids 
  • Close up of the hands cleaning the glasses 
  • Slow pan to the light folding up the carpet and pan to the left to show the cutlery being layed out
  • Crane 
  • High angle shot doing the table up
  • Low angle shot of feet
  • 3 shot
  • Quick Cuts
  • Straight Cuts
  • Parallel editing
  • Dialogue 
  • Party music
Mise En Scene:
  • Lighting: High key lighting and low key lighting
  • Props: cutlery, glasses typical things which would be in a house but the camera focuses on them as if something may happen 
  • Hair: smart tidy hair, common in the of which this was set
  • Make-up: plain make-up not to much but not to little something which makes them look normal.
  • Costume: smart, fancy clothing which was required at that time period, war uniform which suggest that they are in a good job
  • Setting: town of which a lot of weathly people as well as little poor people live there. 
  • Mood: This movie gives a sad mood and the audience wonder what is going to happen, this upsets them as they can see that the little boy doesn't want to go and doesn't like leaving his friends whereas the rest of the family are happy.

Killers, Robert Luketic, 16th June 2010
  • 3 shot 
  • Medium shot
  • Extreme Long shots
  • Pans to left
  • 180 degree rule 
  • Close up
  • 2 shot
  • Tracking shot
  • Low angle 
  • High angle 

  • Fade
  • Straight Cuts
  • Dialogue 
  • Tense Music
Mise En Scene:
  • Lighting: High key lighting
  • Props: Car this is very useful to get around in this case it is also useful as it is a fast car, swimming gear, this is vital for him to complete his mission
  • Hair: normal, nothing fancy or smart however some going towards a messy bun
  • Make-Up: normal and simple nothing fancy, plain
  • Costume: swimwear this is good as Spencer is going into the sea and flippers will help him get lower down better, however Jen is wearing a suit which could suggest that she likes to be a smart person
  • Setting: 
  • Aeroplane: this is a normal aeroplane which is crowded with people this could suggest that they are going on holiday with the bright summer clothes that they have on.
  • France: romantic and bright and sunny not the typical thriller, crowded with a lot of tourists and the locals and a good place to go on holiday or a get away. 
  • Character:
  • Jen: Fun and bubbly doesn't really know what's going on and doesn't really like hanging out with her parents, gets nervous around hot guys but can open up easily whether drunk or not.
  • Spencer: Hot, romantic, speaks french and likes the ladies and flashy cars. Undercover spy or detective or some sort, trying to help out as best as he can, is not afraid of danger.
  • Mum & Dad: seem a  little bit over protective and wants what is best for their daughter however can be a bit controlling which their daughter can hate, the mother is a bit of a drinker.
  • Mood: The mood of this movie is a happy and a sad and tense mood, the audience don't really know what is going on with Spencer in a lot of detail, however they are happy by the fact that Jen is going on a date with him, this would make it a romance film, however because of the action and the killing it in, the audience can see that the movie is not just a romance and in fact something else, this makes them ask questions. 
Cloverfield, Matt Reeves, 2008
 This film itself is not thriller as it has creatures and that would change the genre to horror. The start of the film as you will see in the clip is a thriller. The start of the film the audience can see police documents, like they are investigating the clip, this is a bit like lost as it is by the same person.

  • Close up shots through out the whole of the clip
  • Medium shots which also shows some of the background and the audience can get a better understanding of what is going on
  • Establishing shot to set the scene 
  • Extreme long shots when walking and looking outside the window 
  • Steadicam/Handheld the whole movie
  • Zooms, most of the movie
  • Panning when going across the room to see the pictures
  • Extreme close up while adjusting the camera 
  • Focus pulls when adjusting the zoom
  • shallow depth of field when adjusting the zoom
  • Low angle shot of him looking in front
  • High angle shot of him looking into the camera
  • Fast pans across the room 
  • Dialogue
  • Tense music
  • Cars beeping
  • Party Music
  • Quick cuts
  • Straight Cuts
 Mise En Scene:
  •  Lighting:
  • Low key lighting to create tension and atmosphere this is used at the start of the movie.
  •  Props: Camera, however it is what the audience is seeing it is also a prop as they are characters are videoing the party. Food, this is important because without it their wouldn't be a party.
  • Costume: Every one is dresses smart and dressed to the occasion, in the start of the clip, there is nightwear to suggest that thye just woke up. 
  • Hair: Smart not plain but not to fancy, good for the occasion
  • Make-Up: plain and simple but good for the occasions however at the start of the clip, the character may not be wearing any due to just woken up
  • Setting: New york: busy in the day and in the night, Party: Full of people having a good time, light dimmed to look like normal and like a party.
  • Mood: Lets off a happy mood and a sad one because the audience can see that everyone is happy by the fact that he has got a good job but sad because he is upset that he is moving away as the audience don't know much about him. 
2012,Roland Emmerich,2009
  • Close up of the fire 
  • Close up to medium shot in the cab
  • Extreme long shot of the cab coming towards the camera
  • Pan to the left as they are walking into the bulding 
  • High angle shot looking down at them in the lift 
  • 3 shot in the lift
  • 2 shot when out of the lift 
  • Shot reverse shot when looking at the information 
  • Tense Music
  • Thunder Lighting, Rain
  • Dialogue
  • Quick Cuts
  • Straight Cuts
  • Parallel editing
  • 180 degree rule 
Mise En Scene:
  • Lighting: Low key lighting 
  • Props: Umbrellas due to it raining
  • Hair: tidy but messy at the same time 
  • Make-up: Minimal or none at all
  • Costume: very plain nothing smart but nothing to normal as if it is their normal day going out clothes, near to smart 
  • Setting: India: very busy inside the building as well as very hot
  • Mood: This film makes the audience worry and question if this is really going to happen in 2012, however because they don't really understand what the scientists are saying they can not fully understand and relate to it. When getting the to middle of this clip the audience have a better understanding of what is going on in the film and makes them question if the government are doing the same thing right now. This makes the audience tense because they know that even if it is happening right now there is not much they can do about it and then that makes them upset because as they might go home thinking the world might end in 2012. 


  1. Well done for making a start on the research but at least two of these are not thrillers. What is a thriller? What are the conventions of a thriller? As a film student go to the library and read the relevant texts and then look at your list again

  2. Good effort and well done for researching Thrillers. You could be more detailed given your film knowledge, rather basic and lacking some terms ewhat about narrative and mood? Go back and add some detail
