Saturday 29 January 2011

Preliminary Evaluation - Rebecca

Overall, I think our preliminary task as a whole went well and there were both strong and weak points of it. The main bad point about our preliminary was that the first time we uploaded it was incomplete; this was due to us not reading the sheet correctly and also getting carried away with the story line of the trailer. But we then went back and included the shots we had missed out.
We casted our film as a group after a discussion about who doesn’t mind being in it. The main character was Ryan then the rest of us all had small parts in it, this worked well because then we all had a chance to direct and tell the people acting what to do and all have a chance to be on camera too.
When doing the actual filming we came across a few problems that stopped us filming when we may have wanted to, such as Ryan and i weren’t always wearing the same clothes as we were in the first time we filmed. This caused a continuity problem so we couldn’t film till we were wearing the same clothes. But when we did get to film we all worked well together and worked out the best ways to catch the shots we needed and how to make it look best.
The shot i feel worked best was the high angle looking at the feet going up the stairs one after the other, this created tension and kept the audience on the edge of their seat. The variety of shots and angles that we shot worked well. I like the way the camera doesn't always follow the characters with something like a tracking shot, I think that it works just as well when the character just walks into the shot. This makes it less predictable. The last shot of Ryan in the lift is zoomed and it did work well but i think it could have been done better as the picture quality wasn’t that good because of the light and the camera shake. Also we could have framed some of the shots better, like the one of Me and Ryan by the lift was slightly to one side and could have been closer to get more of our facial expressions in.
The editing of the film went well, we all chipped in a bit to the editing, as me Ryan and Bekah did some to begin with then Bekah and Zoe finished it off for us.
 In all i think our film came out better than we thought it would, but still some elements of it could still be improved if we had the chance to do it again, but we worked well as a group and got all the tasks complete on time.

1 comment:

  1. Good effort but again this needs to be illustrated what went well put a screenshot on, more media language needed and capitals you can be marked down for this
