Monday, 14 March 2011

Titles and Credits (Bekah)

For this i will be using the following three films:
Killers 2010 Robert Luketic
The Hole 2009 Joe Dante

The Orphanage Juan Antonio Bayona 2007
At the start of the titles and credits of this film, the little girls are playing when it stops and goes to a black screen this is effective as the audience want to know what has happened and what will happen to the girl after she has been told that she has a new home. Once it goes to black a little girls hand appears and seems to be peeling back something which underneath looks like wallpaper. It looks like the little girl who is pulling the wallpaper off is somewhat angry or mad because she is being taken away from her friends. There is cracks in the walls/fall which might suggests cracks in the relationship of this girl and her being taken away and what she is really like. The ripping of the wallpaper at the end from the pink to the black to the pink again to total blackness might suggest her mood.

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