Monday 28 March 2011

Evaluation - Rebecca walker

1) In what ways do your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?One of the first and perhaps more obvious things we used is an  enigma - a puzzle or riddle which is often solved throughout the movie by the characters and usually the audience is made to work it out before the characters do to create tension to whether they will figure it out in time.
Another very obvious shot we used to create a type of mood is the close up of the face of our character "Alex". This is used to show what he is feeling at that time and also shows his reactions to certain things, an example of this is shown in the screen grab below.

We also used things such as establishing shots of the scenery we were using and each new scenery we added a title that told you where about it was set. this created some sense of knowing and that the things Alex was doing were very routinely for him, until things start to happen a little differently and this becomes apparent by the way that Alex responds and his body language.

we had similarities in our opening and film as some other already released films, for example 44 inch chest has an enigma just like ours and they have a set time to work out things, in ours its a set time too as you see at the end of the opening "12 days Alex" meaning he has 12 days till something will happen and as he doesn't know what that something is he has to try stop whatever it is before it happens. 

2) How does Your media product represent particular social groups?
The beginning of our film is representing the more upper class, as he seems to have a well paying job and you can tell this by the things that he wears, such as wearing a suit to work shows he has to dress well to be respected. As the film progresses he kind of lets go of what he knows and steps out of the social class and goes downhill into maybe middle or working class because he isn't taking care of himself or his house so they begin to ware away as such.

typically dressed for what job he is doing, these are the clothes we chose...

3)What kind of Media institutions might distribute your media product and why?We want our film to be shown in the easiest places for our audience, so they can watch it from the comfort of their own homes instead of having to go to the cinema. So as well as showing it at the Duke of York cinema in Brighton we will be putting it on places such as youtube and facebook, mainly because these are well known and a lot of people use these sites daily so there is a higher chance of them watching it.
This is the url to the duke of york picture house we would want it to be shown at.

4)Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience for our media production would be teenagers 16-24 age range as they are the ones that would most likely go see our film and they like the thriller genre. This age group are the most likely to go to the cinema anyway and the main users of sites such as facebook and youtube so they are more likely to come across it and i think with our title and opening scene it draws that age range in to want to know what happens and whats actually going on because its not particularly clear in the first scene and keeps you guess to whats going on.

5) How did you attract/address your audience?We attracted  our audience by posting a link to the film on facebook, this got a discussion going and people started to watch it. we Made it clear what age audience we wanted by using a younger main character and keeping it interesting.

6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product-The thing i have learnt the hard way about doing in this type of thing is that you have to talk more than enough shots of everything and have a lot of back up files, as we discovered a lot of things can go missing!
- I also learnt that using imovie isn't always the best thing to use, we decided on using final cut because it has more features and generally worked better for what we needed. I also learnt that we needed to save our work as we did it, every time we made a big change basically, because this insured that even if something happened with the computer we would still have our work saved.

7) looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?I feel that we have learnt a lot in the time between our prelim and our actual film.
One of the main things we learnt and were able to explore more in the second film was the setting as the prelim had to be shot in college so we were confined to what we could do and where we could shoot. But in the actual film we were allowed to go wherever we wanted within reason, so we had a lot more of a chance to use our imagination.
Difference in setting...

- Our knowledge of actual camera shots had also come along a lot since the prelim, as from the small variety of shots shown it was clear we didn't want to explore too many at a risk of getting it wrong, where as in the actual film we used many different shots and they seem to have worked to our advantage.

Another thing we changed was the costume choices. in our prelim we didn't get too much choice as it was all filmed in college time and it was hard to make the actors and actresses wear the same clothes each time and keep continuity. Where as filming out of college makes it easier to let people know when your filming and have more of a chance to dress up as you are needed to look in the film.


  1. Make sure you post the questions for the evaluation and a draft needs to be completed by next friday

  2. Dont slip up here if you want some feedback then you need to make a start
